Week 6-Assignment

Project plan :Build a Gel Electrophoresis Apparatus

1.A Gel Electrophoresis Apparatus industry standard

2.DIY- Gel Electrophoresis Apparatus

3.Equipment and Materials

(1)The DC supply needs: Leads, alligator clip (2);Carbon rod(and sheet copper);Batteries, 9V transistor (5, 7, or 9).

(2)The Gel Electrophoresis comb can be replaced by a ordinary comb with wide teeth, or DIY with some suitable materials.+

(3)Making gel needs:Plastic containers;Preservative film;Agar;250mL Beaker;100 mL Graduated cylinder.

(4)Simulated electrophoresis experiment needs:Glycerol;Pipettes;Reaction plate;Stain: Hucker’s crystal violet, Methylene blue;Stirring rod.

4.Test Result

5.Some defects in our experiment

The experiment takes a long time, 30 minutes before the stain get a better separation effect, this is

because the battery as the power supply, the voltage is not enough, so the separation is slow,

and the use of batteries, not environmentally friendly.

6.How to Improve(Our project plan)

We will try to develop the DC supply make it more efficient and environmentally friendly.

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